Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Racism… The Struggle is Real

I am so angry I can’t even think straight
Tired of all the racism and hate
Tired of our black men losing their lives
Unable to return home to their wives
Tired of our little black boys being gunned down
In broad daylight in the middle of downtown
Then left to bleed out in the street
Lying there for hours before being covered with a sheet
With no explanation of what happened or why
Or being told lie after lie after lie

I am tired of all of our cries being unheard
Of our rights being taken and the lines of justice blurred
Of how it has to take a video to surface of the crime
To even bring a cop to justice and receive jail time
A cop who has vowed to serve and protect
Yet feel they are above the law and can’t be checked
I know all cops are not bad and corrupt
But it’s time for the good cops to stand up
Stop turning a blind eye to the bad they see
Watching innocent people die while dirty cops walk free
I feel some think shooting defenseless black men is a thrill
It’s as if their first thought is to shoot to kill
I am sick of the excuses day after day
Of how we shouldn’t act a certain way
But when we’ve had enough and start to fight back
We are labeled thugs who are out to attack
We will attack until police brutality begins to cease
And until someone starts to police the police
Because black lives matter and it’s a big deal
Even in 2015 the racism struggle is real

My True Essence








Game Changer

Before I met you, I was just kicking it
Doing what I do and shit
Not really tripping off any dude...
So they called me arrogant and rude
I wasn’t either… just refused to play their game
Wasn’t someone willing to be tamed
So I stayed to myself doing my own thing
It kept me away from the bullshit dudes would bring

I was minding my business the day I saw you
I guess you were just chilling doing what you do
You sat there looking all confident and free
Without having said a word, you intrigued me
Your energy connected with mine and drew me in
And then stirred something I had buried deep within
I was completely thrown off guard by a stranger
Who would one day become the game changer

My True Essence

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Tired and Stuck

My mind is running at an unreasonable pace
It’s got me tired and in a bad head space
I’m usually so stingy with my energy these days
But lately I’ve been slipping back to my old ways

I feel like I’m stuck in the ocean with no land in sight
So I’m swimming and kicking with all my might
I’m tired of treading water trying not to drown
While letting the negative energy of others weigh me down

My inspiration tank is running low and almost gone
It’s time to regroup because my refuel light is on
I will park it and go to that special place inside
The place where my help and strength reside

My True Essence

Sleeping on My Gangsta

I don’t know why folks insist on trying me
It’s like they are fooled by what they see
They see the dimpled smile and assume I’m scared...
So they come for me, totally unprepared

Do they think I don’t mean what I say
Or do I just look like I’m easy prey
I keep my gangsta hidden for a reason
Because when it comes out its straight open season

Then when I bark back they say it’s in all fun and games
Will it all be in fun when I starting blasting folks, calling names
I don’t know if they are drama seekers, bullies or pranksters
But I know they better stop sleeping on my gangsta

My True Essence


For years I have been a victim to my own negative self-talk Tripping myself up every time I tried to move forward in my walk Letting...