Sunday, March 14, 2010

I'm back!

Hey family. Wow! It's been way over a year since I have posted to this blog. Time really does fly. Well, the last year has been a roller coaster ride with its ups and downs. I have been praying about this blog now for a while. Asking for guidance in what direction I wanted to take it. Meaning if I wanted to remain anonymous or reveal my identity to the world. I have decided to go public. In doing so, I hope I can inspire someone, anyone along the way.

I love to challenge the mind; others as well as my own. Ask thought provoking questions that make you look deep for the answers. I will have some good days and I will have some bad days. My mind is always busy analyzing, seeking, meditating, networking, etc. I ask that you bear with me on this journey as it unfolds.

Stay tuned. Peace and Blessings.

My True Essence


  1. Welcome back! It seems like a bunch of people are finding their way back to the blogisphere. I look forward to your questions.

  2. Thanks Krush! I missed you too Shawn! : )



For years I have been a victim to my own negative self-talk Tripping myself up every time I tried to move forward in my walk Letting...