For so long, I carried around so much baggage. Shame! Guilt! Hurt! Pain! Insecurity! Doubt! Blame! These things along with a few others weighed down my soul. My load was so heavy, it almost broke me down. One of the hardest things about this load was I carried it by myself. I didn’t trust HIM enough to leave it with HIM at the altar. I carried it around like it was a part of me, like it defined me. In all honestly, I let it define me. Guilt made me feel like I deserved to be weighed down… like I didn’t deserved to be forgiven and released of those things. That was my mistake. I let the things of the past define who I was as a person going into the future. I’m tired of carrying it and I refuse to carry it any longer. I am releasing it all and dumping it at the altar. Trusting HIM to do all of the things HE said HE would do. My mindset for the New Year is Releasing It and Moving Forward.
My True Essence
I am glad you are not broken. You are much too needed to be that