My mind is always so busy (probably way too busy I’m sure) all the time; thinking, analyzing, researching, meditating, etc. Every once and a while I have to release the random thoughts in my head so here goes . . .
• All of my married friends wish they were single and my single friends wish they were married. That can’t be good.
• What is going on with some of our youth today??? Are these kids really our leaders of tomorrow?
• Summertime is coming and I really need to get motivated about working out again. Ugh! Why couldn’t I be skinny!!
• My president has a serious swagger on him. Go Obama!!
• I need to find some girlfriends to hang out with.
• I need to go through my cell phone and delete some folks.
• My daughter will be graduating from high school soon. Wow!!
• Wonder if I will ever get the chance to meet Dwight Howard.
• No matter how bad I think things are for me, there is someone who has it worst.
• Do all men always have ulterior motives?
• Racism still exist. No doubt about it.
• Kids will drive you crazy if you let them.
• Prayer is so powerful. It does change things.
• I smile a lot to hide the pain. I wonder if I am the only one that does that?
• If I could go back in time, I would really do some things differently.
• I have the greatest mom ever. Her birthday is coming up soon. Need to get her something really nice.
• Is Wendy Williams really a woman??? I think so but I am really not sure.
The life, stories, opinions, dreams and fantasies of a woman doing the best she can with what she has. I have come a long way but He is not through with me yet. Come along and enjoy the ride.
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I know on Crunk and Disorderly they gave her the nick name Wendell Williams.