Can’t wait to see you babe. It’s been such a long time.
Can’t wait for you to tell me “I am going to make you mine”.
Can’t wait to take a deep breath and smell your musky male scent
Can’t wait for you to make love to me like this was something perfectly meant.
Can’t wait to lay my head upon your sexy, hairy chest.
Can’t wait for you to run your finger tip across the nipple of my breast.
Can’t wait to kiss you like you have never been kissed before.
Can’t wait for you to have me begging “Please give me more”.
Can’t wait to run my tongue across the tip of your “special friend”.
Can’t wait for you to lick me there again, again and again.
Can’t wait to enjoy and give pleasure to every wonderful inch of you.
Can’t wait for you to do that funny little thing with your tongue that you do.
Can’t wait to get on top and take him on a pleasure ride.
Can’t wait for you to hit it from the back and then from the side.
Can’t wait to feel you stiffen and hear you moan my name as you cum.
Can’t wait for you to ask “Where the hell you get this damn good stuff from?”
Can’t wait to lay in your arms for hours after we are done.
Can’t wait for you to finally realize that I am the one.
Can’t wait.
Peace and Blessings!
My True Essence
The life, stories, opinions, dreams and fantasies of a woman doing the best she can with what she has. I have come a long way but He is not through with me yet. Come along and enjoy the ride.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
52 Meditations on Life
Many of you may not know this but I am very big on meditation. It helps me clear my head and put things in perspective. While searching on the internet, I found the following list of meditations on life written by a man named Marc. Just thought I would share. I hope you enjoy it.
1. There are people in this world that would die for me.
2. There are people in this world I would die for.
3. The truth will set me free. I will never lie.
4. People aren't mind readers. I must never hesitate to tell someone how I feel.
5. Mistakes happen. I must learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of others.
6. Life is short and people are not perfect. I will forgive myself. I will forgive others.
7. My smile brings happiness to the world around me.
8. There is nobody else exactly like me, with my exact abilities, talents, and ideas.
9. I can help myself by helping those around me first.
10. The people I care about deserve to know it. I will show them how much they mean to me on a regular basis.
11. I will accept compliments and criticism openly and make educated decisions based on a weighted sum of the two.
12. Information is infinite. There are ideas, products and cultures I do not yet understand. I will always keep an open mind to new formulas.
13. I am in competition with one person, and one person only… myself. I am competing to be the best I can be.
14. True wisdom is the byproduct of life experience. I will seek as many real world experiences as possible.
15. Education involves self-imposed discipline. I can only learn if I want to learn. I want to learn.
16. I will treat everyone with the same level of respect I would give to my grandfather and the same level of patience I would have with my baby brother.
17. I am what I eat. My body is a machine that must be fueled properly if I intend to make it last.
18. I will think before I act, but I will always act.
19. I will try new things for the sake of broadening my horizons.
20. I will never be reckless with another person’s feelings.
21. I will never let someone persist on being reckless with my feelings.
22. The three most important things in my life are my health, my family and friends, and my education. Everything else is secondary.
23. I will celebrate my successes. I deserve it.
24. Money will only make my life easier if it is mine free and clear.
25. If I wake up several mornings in a row and hate what I am about to do with my day, I will make a change. Life is too short.
26. I will never be jealous. Jealously only deteriorates possibility.
27. My attitude can change my reality.
28. If I want to remember it, I will write it down in a trusted location.
29. I will never spend more than I have.
30. I will thank the people who have helped me, and I will return the favor as soon as I am able.
31. I will never complain about a problem. I will supply a solution instead.
32. I will listen more than I speak.
33. If I don’t know, I will ask questions.
34. Everything is nothing without happiness. I must do what makes me happy.
35. I will never succumb to greed. Enough is enough.
36. Time is precious. I will manage my time effectively.
37. Right now is the only guaranteed moment in my life. I will make the best of it.
38. I will stand firm by my values without senselessly promoting them.
39. I will never over-promise. I will over-deliver on everything I commit to.
40. I will always assess the situation and provide value where needed.
41. I cannot make someone love me. I can only be someone who can be loved.
42. I will always strive to be the best I can be, but I will never try to be someone I’m not.
43. I will always articulate my words so people understand me.
44. I will slow down and become conscious of life’s simple pleasures.
45. Everything I do is by choice. There is always another option.
46. Less is more. I will get rid of the stuff I do not use.
47. If I never try, I will never know.
48. I will face my fears. I will not cower.
49. My habits define my life.
50. I will always take ownership of my actions, or my actions will own me.
51. I will never make decisions in a state of emotional haste.
52. If I don’t finish what I start, my success rate will always be zero.
Written by Marc
1. There are people in this world that would die for me.
2. There are people in this world I would die for.
3. The truth will set me free. I will never lie.
4. People aren't mind readers. I must never hesitate to tell someone how I feel.
5. Mistakes happen. I must learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of others.
6. Life is short and people are not perfect. I will forgive myself. I will forgive others.
7. My smile brings happiness to the world around me.
8. There is nobody else exactly like me, with my exact abilities, talents, and ideas.
9. I can help myself by helping those around me first.
10. The people I care about deserve to know it. I will show them how much they mean to me on a regular basis.
11. I will accept compliments and criticism openly and make educated decisions based on a weighted sum of the two.
12. Information is infinite. There are ideas, products and cultures I do not yet understand. I will always keep an open mind to new formulas.
13. I am in competition with one person, and one person only… myself. I am competing to be the best I can be.
14. True wisdom is the byproduct of life experience. I will seek as many real world experiences as possible.
15. Education involves self-imposed discipline. I can only learn if I want to learn. I want to learn.
16. I will treat everyone with the same level of respect I would give to my grandfather and the same level of patience I would have with my baby brother.
17. I am what I eat. My body is a machine that must be fueled properly if I intend to make it last.
18. I will think before I act, but I will always act.
19. I will try new things for the sake of broadening my horizons.
20. I will never be reckless with another person’s feelings.
21. I will never let someone persist on being reckless with my feelings.
22. The three most important things in my life are my health, my family and friends, and my education. Everything else is secondary.
23. I will celebrate my successes. I deserve it.
24. Money will only make my life easier if it is mine free and clear.
25. If I wake up several mornings in a row and hate what I am about to do with my day, I will make a change. Life is too short.
26. I will never be jealous. Jealously only deteriorates possibility.
27. My attitude can change my reality.
28. If I want to remember it, I will write it down in a trusted location.
29. I will never spend more than I have.
30. I will thank the people who have helped me, and I will return the favor as soon as I am able.
31. I will never complain about a problem. I will supply a solution instead.
32. I will listen more than I speak.
33. If I don’t know, I will ask questions.
34. Everything is nothing without happiness. I must do what makes me happy.
35. I will never succumb to greed. Enough is enough.
36. Time is precious. I will manage my time effectively.
37. Right now is the only guaranteed moment in my life. I will make the best of it.
38. I will stand firm by my values without senselessly promoting them.
39. I will never over-promise. I will over-deliver on everything I commit to.
40. I will always assess the situation and provide value where needed.
41. I cannot make someone love me. I can only be someone who can be loved.
42. I will always strive to be the best I can be, but I will never try to be someone I’m not.
43. I will always articulate my words so people understand me.
44. I will slow down and become conscious of life’s simple pleasures.
45. Everything I do is by choice. There is always another option.
46. Less is more. I will get rid of the stuff I do not use.
47. If I never try, I will never know.
48. I will face my fears. I will not cower.
49. My habits define my life.
50. I will always take ownership of my actions, or my actions will own me.
51. I will never make decisions in a state of emotional haste.
52. If I don’t finish what I start, my success rate will always be zero.
Written by Marc
Who Am I?
“Who Am I?” is the question many people wonder but few dare to ask.
I'm known for my bright eyes and dimpled smile. Are they really just a mask?
A mask used to hide, shield and cover all of the hurt and pain.
Sometimes I wonder if it all will one day just drive me insane.
My Eyes! They say the eyes are the window to the soul
When you look into my eyes, do you see the many stories untold?
The secrets that are buried so deep. Locked away so no one can see.
If you knew my secrets, I wonder how you would feel about me.
“Who Am I?” is actually not big of a secret or mystery at all.
I am a beautiful black women who stands almost 6 feet tall.
Child of God, mother, wife are just a few of the names that describe me.
A wonderful example of all those things is what I strive to be.
At the end of the day, I hope it’s my spirit, internal beauty and shining light
That those close to me remember and make them smile so bright.
I pray Who I am is someone special and loving to someone somewhere.
So go ahead and ask “Who Am I" if you dare.
Peace and Blessings.
I'm known for my bright eyes and dimpled smile. Are they really just a mask?
A mask used to hide, shield and cover all of the hurt and pain.
Sometimes I wonder if it all will one day just drive me insane.
My Eyes! They say the eyes are the window to the soul
When you look into my eyes, do you see the many stories untold?
The secrets that are buried so deep. Locked away so no one can see.
If you knew my secrets, I wonder how you would feel about me.
“Who Am I?” is actually not big of a secret or mystery at all.
I am a beautiful black women who stands almost 6 feet tall.
Child of God, mother, wife are just a few of the names that describe me.
A wonderful example of all those things is what I strive to be.
At the end of the day, I hope it’s my spirit, internal beauty and shining light
That those close to me remember and make them smile so bright.
I pray Who I am is someone special and loving to someone somewhere.
So go ahead and ask “Who Am I" if you dare.
Peace and Blessings.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Random Thoughts (in no particular order)
My mind is always so busy (probably way too busy I’m sure) all the time; thinking, analyzing, researching, meditating, etc. Every once and a while I have to release the random thoughts in my head so here goes . . .
• All of my married friends wish they were single and my single friends wish they were married. That can’t be good.
• What is going on with some of our youth today??? Are these kids really our leaders of tomorrow?
• Summertime is coming and I really need to get motivated about working out again. Ugh! Why couldn’t I be skinny!!
• My president has a serious swagger on him. Go Obama!!
• I need to find some girlfriends to hang out with.
• I need to go through my cell phone and delete some folks.
• My daughter will be graduating from high school soon. Wow!!
• Wonder if I will ever get the chance to meet Dwight Howard.
• No matter how bad I think things are for me, there is someone who has it worst.
• Do all men always have ulterior motives?
• Racism still exist. No doubt about it.
• Kids will drive you crazy if you let them.
• Prayer is so powerful. It does change things.
• I smile a lot to hide the pain. I wonder if I am the only one that does that?
• If I could go back in time, I would really do some things differently.
• I have the greatest mom ever. Her birthday is coming up soon. Need to get her something really nice.
• Is Wendy Williams really a woman??? I think so but I am really not sure.
• All of my married friends wish they were single and my single friends wish they were married. That can’t be good.
• What is going on with some of our youth today??? Are these kids really our leaders of tomorrow?
• Summertime is coming and I really need to get motivated about working out again. Ugh! Why couldn’t I be skinny!!
• My president has a serious swagger on him. Go Obama!!
• I need to find some girlfriends to hang out with.
• I need to go through my cell phone and delete some folks.
• My daughter will be graduating from high school soon. Wow!!
• Wonder if I will ever get the chance to meet Dwight Howard.
• No matter how bad I think things are for me, there is someone who has it worst.
• Do all men always have ulterior motives?
• Racism still exist. No doubt about it.
• Kids will drive you crazy if you let them.
• Prayer is so powerful. It does change things.
• I smile a lot to hide the pain. I wonder if I am the only one that does that?
• If I could go back in time, I would really do some things differently.
• I have the greatest mom ever. Her birthday is coming up soon. Need to get her something really nice.
• Is Wendy Williams really a woman??? I think so but I am really not sure.
Ten Things Men Should Know About (Real) Women
I saw this and thought it was too funny. I will admit that I agree with a lot of what she is saying.
1 ) Yes, a man should put some effort into his grooming, but just so we’re clear, the only kind of polish he should ever sport is on his shoes. Never the nails. Nails should be clean, manicured even, but never, ever polished and never longer than the skin underneath them. Polished nails are girly. Long nails are girly. If I wanted polished, long nailed girly hands exploring and adoring my body, I’d, I’d, well, I’d do it my damn self.
2 ) If you’re a man over the age of say 37 and you’re dating a woman, 32 or older, do not, I repeat, do not tell her you want to get married and have kids unless you are specifically thinking of doing so with her. Telling a woman you want to get married and have kids is the equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theater and then being shocked and dismayed when mayhem breaks out.
I get that some of you feel pressured into explaining why you’re still single in your late 30’s (when your slow, low count, irregularly shaped swimmers are responsible for 40% of all infertility issues) and mistakenly believe with one clean sweep you can put to bed the ridiculous notion that you’re gay, or worse on the down low or emotionally unavailable, a player, a pimp, whatever. But believe it or not, grown women will sleep with you without the promise of marriage.
3 ) If you ever think, dream or hope of ever seeing me naked, pick up the tab. Period. If we split the check, you are a friend. Period.
4 ) If we don’t kiss on the first date, we’re friends. Period. It doesn’t have to be a long, involved, tonsil checking kiss, but lip to lip most definitely. In my younger days, I often played coy putting off kissing until the second date, but I know better now. I know what I like. And yes, I like a man who is smart and kind and funny and good to his mother, but I also like a man who can kiss. The sooner I found out what he’s “smacking” the better.
5 ) If it ain’t real, don’t rock it. Nothing is a bigger turn off than a guy rocking a 2 carat cubic zirconium in his ear. Cloudy, cheap, real ones aren’t much better. Men and jewelry is already a dicey issue. Unless you’re a rapper, baller or pimp, twenty or married, jewelry is pretty much a no go. FYI, watches are exempt.
6 ) Don’t ask us to kiss “it” unless it’s too small for us to do anything else to “it.” Cute childish euphemisms for grown up sexual acts stopped being cute the day I learned what euphemism means.
7 ) Threesomes are not out of the question. Right after me, you, and Chiwetel Ejiofor (the tall, dark, and oh-so Britishly handsome actor from Talk To Me and American Gangster) get it on all night long, me, you and whatever skank of your choosing can get it on all night long, too. Tit for tat baby, that’s what I always say.
8 ) I’m a huge fan of the game (football, basketball) but not of a grown men walking around wearing jerseys with another grown man’s name on it. There’s just something creepy about it. But since a few men that I greatly respect insist on wearing them, here are the exceptions to the rule.
A) You are actually at the event where said grown man is playing.
B) A woman bought it for you and you’re wearing it out of respect for her.
C) It’s vintage, i.e. Brooklyn Dodgers.
D) The guy whose name is plastered across your back is deceased, i.e. Jackie Robinson of the Brooklyn Dodgers.
E) Due to some natural disaster, i.e. fire, hurricane, earthquake, the entire content of your closet is ruined and said jersey is all the Red Cross had to offer.
9 ) Never underestimate the power of flowers.
10 ) Real woman can handle the truth.
Written by Tamara T. Gregory
1 ) Yes, a man should put some effort into his grooming, but just so we’re clear, the only kind of polish he should ever sport is on his shoes. Never the nails. Nails should be clean, manicured even, but never, ever polished and never longer than the skin underneath them. Polished nails are girly. Long nails are girly. If I wanted polished, long nailed girly hands exploring and adoring my body, I’d, I’d, well, I’d do it my damn self.
2 ) If you’re a man over the age of say 37 and you’re dating a woman, 32 or older, do not, I repeat, do not tell her you want to get married and have kids unless you are specifically thinking of doing so with her. Telling a woman you want to get married and have kids is the equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theater and then being shocked and dismayed when mayhem breaks out.
I get that some of you feel pressured into explaining why you’re still single in your late 30’s (when your slow, low count, irregularly shaped swimmers are responsible for 40% of all infertility issues) and mistakenly believe with one clean sweep you can put to bed the ridiculous notion that you’re gay, or worse on the down low or emotionally unavailable, a player, a pimp, whatever. But believe it or not, grown women will sleep with you without the promise of marriage.
3 ) If you ever think, dream or hope of ever seeing me naked, pick up the tab. Period. If we split the check, you are a friend. Period.
4 ) If we don’t kiss on the first date, we’re friends. Period. It doesn’t have to be a long, involved, tonsil checking kiss, but lip to lip most definitely. In my younger days, I often played coy putting off kissing until the second date, but I know better now. I know what I like. And yes, I like a man who is smart and kind and funny and good to his mother, but I also like a man who can kiss. The sooner I found out what he’s “smacking” the better.
5 ) If it ain’t real, don’t rock it. Nothing is a bigger turn off than a guy rocking a 2 carat cubic zirconium in his ear. Cloudy, cheap, real ones aren’t much better. Men and jewelry is already a dicey issue. Unless you’re a rapper, baller or pimp, twenty or married, jewelry is pretty much a no go. FYI, watches are exempt.
6 ) Don’t ask us to kiss “it” unless it’s too small for us to do anything else to “it.” Cute childish euphemisms for grown up sexual acts stopped being cute the day I learned what euphemism means.
7 ) Threesomes are not out of the question. Right after me, you, and Chiwetel Ejiofor (the tall, dark, and oh-so Britishly handsome actor from Talk To Me and American Gangster) get it on all night long, me, you and whatever skank of your choosing can get it on all night long, too. Tit for tat baby, that’s what I always say.
8 ) I’m a huge fan of the game (football, basketball) but not of a grown men walking around wearing jerseys with another grown man’s name on it. There’s just something creepy about it. But since a few men that I greatly respect insist on wearing them, here are the exceptions to the rule.
A) You are actually at the event where said grown man is playing.
B) A woman bought it for you and you’re wearing it out of respect for her.
C) It’s vintage, i.e. Brooklyn Dodgers.
D) The guy whose name is plastered across your back is deceased, i.e. Jackie Robinson of the Brooklyn Dodgers.
E) Due to some natural disaster, i.e. fire, hurricane, earthquake, the entire content of your closet is ruined and said jersey is all the Red Cross had to offer.
9 ) Never underestimate the power of flowers.
10 ) Real woman can handle the truth.
Written by Tamara T. Gregory
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