Sunday, November 22, 2015

My Hardened Heart

I trusted him with my secrets
The hidden details of my soul
The pieces of life that made me whole...
And yet had broken me at the same time
Disrupted and disturbed my peace of mind

I let him in when there wasn’t even a door to use
I told him of how I was hurt and abused
How I didn’t even like or love myself
How I sold my soul to the devil himself
Since I thought he was different, I gave him my heart
Only for him to use what I told him to tear me apart

Now… here I am a walking empty shell
One with a story to tell of how I’ve been thru hell
I’m too untrusting to even want a friend
Damn sure too afraid to ever believe in love again
Gone are the fairy tales of how love’s supposed to be
From now on I am doing whatever I need to protect me

My True Essence

Struggling in Silence...

We were never taught how to deal with our troubles
But told to keep quiet about our struggles
So we do and then the self-destruction begins...
The self-hate vs. self-love battle we’re fighting within
Internalizing the pain instead of releasing the hurt
Falling down, staying down and wallowing in the dirt
Because getting up requires putting in the work
Crying but hiding our tears by standing in the rain
So no one else sees the evidence of our pain
Too afraid to admit that we sometimes stumble and fall
Even making ourselves sick from dealing with it all
Not really dealing but just pretending to be
While putting up a front for others to see
Sometimes our struggle is too much to bear
But the only help we believe in seeking is prayer
So we pray and we pray and we pray
While struggling to make it thru each day
The silence of having to struggle alone is a horrible feeling
However breaking the silence can be the start to healing
Please know it is alright to accept guidance
And stop struggling in silence

My True Essence

Ride or Die

Looking at your picture
I see a grown ass man
Handling his business...
Every day giving all you can

I see the strength in your shoulders
I see the worry in your eyes
Both you hide so well
Behind a smile used to disguise

You don’t complain at all
About the obstacles you face
Instead you keep pushing, moving forward
Working hard to keep the pace

Providing for your family
Expecting no glory, no matter the cost
Standing back in the shadows
Hidden but your presence not lost

You are my protector and provider
The man of my dreams
The one who keeps me together
When I start to unravel at the seams

You are awesome father
An amazing person and friend
I wouldn’t trade what we have for anything
I’m ride or do until the end

My True Essence


For years I have been a victim to my own negative self-talk Tripping myself up every time I tried to move forward in my walk Letting...