Many don’t understand how that can possibly be
How can someone who has so much love to give
Have no fear of dying but yet be afraid to live
At some point in time I lost my way
I looked in the mirror and turned away
Turned away because I didn’t like what I saw
I only saw flaw after flaw after flaw
As someone
who sows seeds and wants others to succeed
I didn’t make
priority my own wants and needsFor some reason I didn’t sow seeds in my own garden
Instead I let my heart grow cold and harden
self-esteem and self-worth took a nose dive
My “get up
and go” left and took with it all of my driveMy drive and determination to press on and keep going
To move forward while revolving and growing
Then one day
I looked in that very same mirror again
Instead of
seeing the outer shell I saw the beauty withinAll of the things that held me bondage had set me free
And right then and there began my journey to loving me
My True Essence