Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I'm Hurting

Not the hurt you get from hitting your elbow
Or kicking the end of the coffee table with your big toe
It’s not the hurt you get when you get a bad paper cut
Or when the stationary bike at the gym hurts your butt

It’s a greater kind of hurt you feel deep down in your soul
The kind that wears you down and makes you feel old
The kind of hurt that goes way beyond the tears
The kind it takes months to shake, sometimes even years

You told the secrets you promised you’d keep
You said things that stung and cut me real deep
You did awful things to hurt my feelings and my heart
But I won’t let you keep tearing my soul apart

The good thing about time is that it helps ease the pain
And get over the craziness and get back to being sane
I'm going to get myself together and make it through
Even though I’m hurting, I will get over you
 My True Essence

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I Love You

I love you
Because of that I stayed longer than I should
Stayed even when I know you meant me no good
Doing things I said I never would
Letting you get away with stuff because you could

I gave up me
Hoping to keep you
I realize now that was crazy as hell to do
Lord knows I have been a fool a time or two
I haven’t learned because I allowed you to make one of me too

Now I chose me
I can’t be that person I was before
That’s not who I am or what I stand for
So get your things and walk out that door
I love you but I love me more

My True Essence

Missed You

Babe, it’s been a while and oh… how I’ve missed you
The talks, the walks and the little things you do
Like the notes you leave for me on my side of the bed
Or the growling sounds you make when I'm giving you head

I miss the way you look at me with pure desire in your eyes
Like you're the winner and I'm your special prize
I miss the way you kiss me with soft pecks down my spine
And the way you drink my juices like it’s a fine wine

I’m going to show you just how much I’m glad to have you back
I bought a cute little nightie in your favorite color… black
I want you to remember the reason why you call me your sex queen
Or the way you get turned on when we act out your favorite sex scene

I'm going to take my time and make love to you like never before
Then I'm going to fuck you until I can’t fuck you anymore
And when we're done, I’m going to let you rest for a few
Then wake you up so we can get started on round two

My True Essence

Black Man! Black Man!

There are no other men like you on this earth
You were destined to be strong from your day of birth
Strong enough to handle all of the struggles life throws your way
Determined enough to do it day after day

No one has had to struggle as hard as you, Black Man
While doing everything to provide the best way you can
Having to prove your worth time and time again
While still being a loving husband, father and friend

I love when you stand tall and proud
Or when you kneel to pray with your head bowed
I love the way your daughter’s smile melts your heart
Or how your son idealizes you from the start

I know it’s not always easy being the strong one
But you keep pushing on until your work is done
So keep on pushing, being the man God called you to be
Black Man! Black Man! You are so special to me

My True Essence

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Love Wins - My Travon Martin Conclusion (Written by KD Bowe)

I haven't been able to express or put into words how I feel about the Trayvon Martin tragedy. Every time I try, the words never come. However, I read something that pretty much describes how I feel. This was written by KD Bowe.

 Love Wins… My Trayvon Martin Conclusion
 God always wins. There really is no comparison. God is also love, and since this is the case, love always wins. I have accepted this as my reality. I hate what happened to Trayvon Martin. I hate how the justice system is seemingly slanted against people of color and has been for decades. I cannot, however, have actions of hate because hate NEVER wins. Love does. Like many of you, once the verdict was read on Saturday, I reacted. I did some things and said some things out of my humanity. I won’t beat myself up for that because I’m human.
... The true essence of who I have chosen to be however is a man of God, therefore a man of love. If it is true that love wins, I right now divorce myself from feelings of entrapment, victimization, helplessness and defeat. True vindication comes from the fact that I will, in love, do my part to make a difference in my home and my community both locally and nationally. God (love) will handle the rest. When it’s all said and done, we don’t lose with love. Hate makes a disappointment look like the end. Love convinces us that the end is never the end unless we win.
--KD Bowe
1 Corinthians 13:8a – Love never fails.


For years I have been a victim to my own negative self-talk Tripping myself up every time I tried to move forward in my walk Letting...