As I sit by the window listening to the wind chimes playing their sweet melody outside my door
I take a moment to reflect on my many blessings, all of the things I am so thankful for
And as I watch the small flakes of pure white snow fall and dissolve into the dirt
I am thankful for the good memories and even the bad ones that hurt
Even though this year has been challenging causing me to slip and fall along the way
I take it all in as a learning experience which made me better and stronger each day
So for those of you (old and new) that have played any part in my 2010
Thank you for the love but more importantly, thank you for being my friend.
The life, stories, opinions, dreams and fantasies of a woman doing the best she can with what she has. I have come a long way but He is not through with me yet. Come along and enjoy the ride.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
My Better Living List for 2011
1. Identify issues/areas in your life that need improvement
2. Evaluate all of your relationships
3. Redefine your purpose/passion in life
4. Take a chance and step outside of your comfort zone
5. Make a decision and stick with it
6. Learn to meditate, sit still and listen
7. Surround yourself with positive people
8. Don’t take yourself so seriously all the time
9. Be a blessing to someone
10. Make new friends and expand your network
2. Evaluate all of your relationships
3. Redefine your purpose/passion in life
4. Take a chance and step outside of your comfort zone
5. Make a decision and stick with it
6. Learn to meditate, sit still and listen
7. Surround yourself with positive people
8. Don’t take yourself so seriously all the time
9. Be a blessing to someone
10. Make new friends and expand your network
Friday, December 10, 2010
Random Things on My Mind (in no particular order)
1. I used to love this time of year but that began to change over the last several years. Just too much work and bonding for me.
2. I love my kids but I want everyone 18 and over ... OUT!!
3. My daughter, who is away at school, calls me every single day. Before she left for school, I could not get her to say two words to me. Go figure.
4. I often wonder why people are so fake and full of shit. Just irks the hell out of me.
5. We didn’t come out and vote … now we are doomed.
6. Poor Obama! It’s not looking good for 2012. I still think you are awesome though.
7. Be careful what you pray for. You just may get it and be disappointed when you do.
8. I really need to get motivated and start working out again. I have been in a slump for too long now.
9. I don’t really have a best friend that I tell everything too. Don’t know if I want one though either.
10. I really need some friends to hang out with.
11. A lot of my single friends want to be married. A lot of the married friends want to be single. I don’t know if one is better than the other.
12. Sometimes I just want to get in my car and just drive far away.
13. Watching the news is so depressing. People don’t care about themselves so how can we expect them to care about anyone else.
14. I love my job but sometimes my co-workers get on my last nerve.
15. I seem to get along a lot better with men than women.
16. Black women hate on each other so bad. It’s pathetic.
17. Went to the club about a month ago. I am way over the club scene. Same ole thing. Nothing has changed.
18. I sort of like being in my 40’s. It’s not the end of the world like I thought it would be.
19. I want to start a small group for women. Something like “Women with a Purpose” group. Where we meet and talk about all issues, read books, etc. I hope to make this happen in 2011.
20. I plan to make 2011 a great year.
2. I love my kids but I want everyone 18 and over ... OUT!!
3. My daughter, who is away at school, calls me every single day. Before she left for school, I could not get her to say two words to me. Go figure.
4. I often wonder why people are so fake and full of shit. Just irks the hell out of me.
5. We didn’t come out and vote … now we are doomed.
6. Poor Obama! It’s not looking good for 2012. I still think you are awesome though.
7. Be careful what you pray for. You just may get it and be disappointed when you do.
8. I really need to get motivated and start working out again. I have been in a slump for too long now.
9. I don’t really have a best friend that I tell everything too. Don’t know if I want one though either.
10. I really need some friends to hang out with.
11. A lot of my single friends want to be married. A lot of the married friends want to be single. I don’t know if one is better than the other.
12. Sometimes I just want to get in my car and just drive far away.
13. Watching the news is so depressing. People don’t care about themselves so how can we expect them to care about anyone else.
14. I love my job but sometimes my co-workers get on my last nerve.
15. I seem to get along a lot better with men than women.
16. Black women hate on each other so bad. It’s pathetic.
17. Went to the club about a month ago. I am way over the club scene. Same ole thing. Nothing has changed.
18. I sort of like being in my 40’s. It’s not the end of the world like I thought it would be.
19. I want to start a small group for women. Something like “Women with a Purpose” group. Where we meet and talk about all issues, read books, etc. I hope to make this happen in 2011.
20. I plan to make 2011 a great year.
Daily Survival Kit
TOOTHPICK - to remind you to pick out the good qualities in others. -*Matthew 7
RUBBER BAND - to remind you to be flexible. Things might not always go the way you want, but it will work out. * Romans 8:28
BAND AID - to remind you to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone else's. - *Colossians 3:12-14
PENCIL - to remind you to list your blessings everyday. - *Ephesians 1:3
ERASER - To remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay. - *Genesis 50:15-21
CHEWING GUM - to remind you to stick with it, and you can accomplish anything. - *Philippians 4:13
MINT - to remind you that you are worth a mint. - *John 3:16-17
CANDY KISS - to remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug everyday. - * John 4:7
TEA BAG - to remind you to relax daily and go over your list of blessings. - *1 Thessalonians 5:18
RUBBER BAND - to remind you to be flexible. Things might not always go the way you want, but it will work out. * Romans 8:28
BAND AID - to remind you to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone else's. - *Colossians 3:12-14
PENCIL - to remind you to list your blessings everyday. - *Ephesians 1:3
ERASER - To remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay. - *Genesis 50:15-21
CHEWING GUM - to remind you to stick with it, and you can accomplish anything. - *Philippians 4:13
MINT - to remind you that you are worth a mint. - *John 3:16-17
CANDY KISS - to remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug everyday. - * John 4:7
TEA BAG - to remind you to relax daily and go over your list of blessings. - *1 Thessalonians 5:18
This piece was written by a very talented brother and good friend of mine. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Thank you MD. I appreciate you!
I have been telling people for years that there is no whirlwind like me and my girlfriend. She brings a change to the game that makes you want to fear or cheer when you hear her name, if the sky were the color of her eyes we would all walk around on a cocaine high just watchn our problems drift on by. Yes she brings calmness to the most insane situation by the way she indoctrinates others to the state of peace and quiet. That's that business savvy breakn you off as you get up close and personal to someone so soft your thoughts get lost, touch her and leave a finger print as she releases a most delicious scent that attacks your senses forcing your blood to flow downward and fill your cock like a rock. By now your a prisoner to her wicked ways because her sex drive is like the air that keeps us alive, ever present when she is. So on that first date when she is feeding you her feet like steak on a plate, she looks down and whispers brother I hope you can relate because if not your out with the wrong damn date because FYI I like every damn thing on me to be ate and that means from my toes to my eager booty hole. Now that you have had your treats bring me my man meat, ahhh look at you boy drippn something salty and sweet, now let me try to stop that leak NOT...Ohhh yes drip baby till it drops from my face making my chest a slippery slope to slide down until you reach your final destination, now your panting but gooo slowww agghhh yes now Mr Motherfucker give me your best and I will handle the rest because I'm gonna push you off and pull you back until you tense up and bust that nut making your kids soak my guts. Oh yes I feel the world is being cheated by not knowing her the way I do but hey ,,, I Only Know That Because She's My Girlfriend !!! MR MD
I have been telling people for years that there is no whirlwind like me and my girlfriend. She brings a change to the game that makes you want to fear or cheer when you hear her name, if the sky were the color of her eyes we would all walk around on a cocaine high just watchn our problems drift on by. Yes she brings calmness to the most insane situation by the way she indoctrinates others to the state of peace and quiet. That's that business savvy breakn you off as you get up close and personal to someone so soft your thoughts get lost, touch her and leave a finger print as she releases a most delicious scent that attacks your senses forcing your blood to flow downward and fill your cock like a rock. By now your a prisoner to her wicked ways because her sex drive is like the air that keeps us alive, ever present when she is. So on that first date when she is feeding you her feet like steak on a plate, she looks down and whispers brother I hope you can relate because if not your out with the wrong damn date because FYI I like every damn thing on me to be ate and that means from my toes to my eager booty hole. Now that you have had your treats bring me my man meat, ahhh look at you boy drippn something salty and sweet, now let me try to stop that leak NOT...Ohhh yes drip baby till it drops from my face making my chest a slippery slope to slide down until you reach your final destination, now your panting but gooo slowww agghhh yes now Mr Motherfucker give me your best and I will handle the rest because I'm gonna push you off and pull you back until you tense up and bust that nut making your kids soak my guts. Oh yes I feel the world is being cheated by not knowing her the way I do but hey ,,, I Only Know That Because She's My Girlfriend !!! MR MD
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sistas Let's Stop Hatin' On Each Other.. I walk in and you see me. You see that my hair is done, myoutfit is fierce and I carry myself like a lady. I smile at you but you roll your eyes at me, then, turn your head and whisper something to your girl.
Why you hatin'?
Ok... so maybe I'm a new employee and this is my first day at work. I almost thought I would be the only sista in the joint until someone introduced us to each other. I smile and extend my hand, happy to know I won't be here alone. You smile and shake my hand but there's insincerity in your eyes and your hand is limp. You seem guarded.
What's wrong Ma'?
Ok maybe my man and I have been having problems. And since you've been my best friend for years I confide in you that I think he's cheating on me. You offer your support. Until I find out that he's been cheating on me....with you!
Why would you hurt me like that?
I found your knife,'s in my back!
As women we battle daily. We battle keeping our families together,keeping our men happy and maintaining our presence in the workforce.With all that battling going on why in the world should we have to battle each other?
Now I'm not saying every sistah has a knife...but some of you do....and you know who you are. Why is it that a woman can't gather glamour on without you having a problem? Why can't I get a blonde weave without you having something to say?If I'm working myself to death in the office trying to climb the corporate ladder...why am I suddenly a sellout?If I leave the room for a minute why can't I trust you around my man? Smiling in my face, but gossiping all my personal business behind my back? You now have permission to consider yourself triflin'!
Inferiority Complex. It makes us feel that in order to be someone special we have to put everyone else beneath us. Are we so insecure inourselves that we can't feel good until we pull someone else down?
There's something wrong here. We've come to envy those who've accomplished in their lives what we've only dreamed of having for ourselves. And when we fear we will never be able to get what we want- we steal it.
There is a serious self-worth issue going on here. We're in a day and age where we should be encouraging each other and holding each other up.
Sisterhood should not end when Oprah goes off. Truth be told, therewill always be someone prettier, sexier, stronger, and smarter. I'm sorry Boo - that's just the way it is. But that's ok.....just do you!
I don't care how good Beyonce' looks - if she walks into the same room I'm in, it doesn't make me any less of the diva I already am! I loveadmiring hairstyles...but there's no need to be jealous. Honey,nowadays there's enough hair for err-body.
I have goals in life. There are things I strive to attain. Yet I seek out successful sisters because they keep me motivated.
Life is so much more than who looks the best, who dresses the best and who makes more money. So when you see your sister going for hers let it inspire you .... To do you.
Why you hatin'?
Ok... so maybe I'm a new employee and this is my first day at work. I almost thought I would be the only sista in the joint until someone introduced us to each other. I smile and extend my hand, happy to know I won't be here alone. You smile and shake my hand but there's insincerity in your eyes and your hand is limp. You seem guarded.
What's wrong Ma'?
Ok maybe my man and I have been having problems. And since you've been my best friend for years I confide in you that I think he's cheating on me. You offer your support. Until I find out that he's been cheating on me....with you!
Why would you hurt me like that?
I found your knife,'s in my back!
As women we battle daily. We battle keeping our families together,keeping our men happy and maintaining our presence in the workforce.With all that battling going on why in the world should we have to battle each other?
Now I'm not saying every sistah has a knife...but some of you do....and you know who you are. Why is it that a woman can't gather glamour on without you having a problem? Why can't I get a blonde weave without you having something to say?If I'm working myself to death in the office trying to climb the corporate ladder...why am I suddenly a sellout?If I leave the room for a minute why can't I trust you around my man? Smiling in my face, but gossiping all my personal business behind my back? You now have permission to consider yourself triflin'!
Inferiority Complex. It makes us feel that in order to be someone special we have to put everyone else beneath us. Are we so insecure inourselves that we can't feel good until we pull someone else down?
There's something wrong here. We've come to envy those who've accomplished in their lives what we've only dreamed of having for ourselves. And when we fear we will never be able to get what we want- we steal it.
There is a serious self-worth issue going on here. We're in a day and age where we should be encouraging each other and holding each other up.
Sisterhood should not end when Oprah goes off. Truth be told, therewill always be someone prettier, sexier, stronger, and smarter. I'm sorry Boo - that's just the way it is. But that's ok.....just do you!
I don't care how good Beyonce' looks - if she walks into the same room I'm in, it doesn't make me any less of the diva I already am! I loveadmiring hairstyles...but there's no need to be jealous. Honey,nowadays there's enough hair for err-body.
I have goals in life. There are things I strive to attain. Yet I seek out successful sisters because they keep me motivated.
Life is so much more than who looks the best, who dresses the best and who makes more money. So when you see your sister going for hers let it inspire you .... To do you.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Ten Problems that Black Men have with Black Women:
1. Black Women make Black men feel unappreciated, unwanted, irresponsible, and regressive.
2. Black Women are too aggressive, and are impatient when it comes to waiting on a man to pursue them.
3. Black Women are too strong-headed and independent, which presents great challenges in relationships.
4. Black Women are masculine in that they are controlling and like to “run” the relationship.
5. Black Women expect too much. They are gold diggers who will not look twice at a blue-collar black man.
6. Black Women are hot-headed and have bad attitudes.
7. Black Women stop caring about their appearance once they are in a relationship.
8. Black Women are not open to other areas of intimacy. (paraphrased)
9. Black Women’s tolerance is far too low; they are not empathetic to the Black Man’s struggle in a racist society.
10. Black Women do not cater to their man as much as they cater to themselves and their child.
My thoughts: Wow!! Really.... Hmmmmmmm!! I don't who wrote this BS.
2. Black Women are too aggressive, and are impatient when it comes to waiting on a man to pursue them.
3. Black Women are too strong-headed and independent, which presents great challenges in relationships.
4. Black Women are masculine in that they are controlling and like to “run” the relationship.
5. Black Women expect too much. They are gold diggers who will not look twice at a blue-collar black man.
6. Black Women are hot-headed and have bad attitudes.
7. Black Women stop caring about their appearance once they are in a relationship.
8. Black Women are not open to other areas of intimacy. (paraphrased)
9. Black Women’s tolerance is far too low; they are not empathetic to the Black Man’s struggle in a racist society.
10. Black Women do not cater to their man as much as they cater to themselves and their child.
My thoughts: Wow!! Really.... Hmmmmmmm!! I don't who wrote this BS.
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